Monday, October 13, 2008

Love Is You

Love Is You, originally uploaded by albert.cantaloupe.

love is kind when the world is cold

love stays strong when the fight gets old

love's a shoulder to lean on

love is you

love's like the water when the well runs dry

quench my thirst, keep me alive

just need one sip baby

love is you

Chrisette Michele - Love Is You - Chrisette Michele


viince said...

really cool as usual!

bullsalv said...

hidden jewel is the best way to describe you, no jokes.

your demeanor is very misleading and your daily attire hides how physically gorgeous you look, but what makes you is all the little things that people don't get to know...

you are the sweetest person when you find a good soul. you sit in the sidelines, caring less if you get credit or not. at the same time you know how to handle when things need to get done.

i'm lucky that i'm on e-board for pangkat because i don't think i would have seen the real you. stay sweet and keep it real.

♥ bullsalv